I have a search page, where user enter fields and click on search button. Then I am making ajax call to Sharepoint 2013 list with search query and fetching data. After fetching data I am binding data to Kendo grid.
This SharePoint list contains different type of fields like: look up, choice, text field. Data from choice column, text field types are getting bind to grid easily, I am able to see the data too. But data from look up columns is not being seen in Kendo Grid.
Instead of data, its showing
[object Object]
Below is the code of ajax call I am making and in success I am binding data to Kendo Grid.
function fetchData(webUrl, filterString){
url: webUrl +"/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('Inventory')/Items?$filter="+filterString,
method: 'get',
contentType: 'application/json;odata=verbose',
'X-RequestDigest': $('#__REQUESTDIGEST').val(),
'Accept': 'application/json;odata=verbose'
success: function(data){
var grid = $('#grdInventory').getKendoGrid();
- Below is the screenshot of the Grid: In Grid=
ID, short description, Analytic ID, Analytic Name are text type column
Production status is choice column,
State, Platform are look up column in SharePoint
- Below is the screenshot of data being seen in Browser Console:
Can anyone please help me or give me hint of how to display look up column data in Kendo Grid.