This is an expansion of the issue I've been working on here.
As discussed, my solution works fine in development against a list with 150 records to find in a list of 20,000.
It's not working as well looking for 20,000 records in a list of ten million.
$SPItems = $SPList.Items | Where { $_["Processing_Date"] -eq $SPListDate }
$SPCount = $SPItems.count.ToString()
Write-Host("${SPCount} records found");
$SPDirName + "/" + $file.Name); $file.Update();}
$SPindex = 0
$SPItems | foreach-object {
$file = $_.file;
$file.MoveTo($SPListPath + $SPDirName + "/" + $file.Name);
$SPindex = $SPindex + 1;
$SPMod = $Spindex % 50;
If ($SPMod -eq 0) {
Write-Host("${SPindex} records processed");
It hang on trying to run the query on the first line, grabbing a huge amount of memory over time. So I'm assuming it's trying to pull the whole dataset of the query into memory, which would be sizable.
So I tried just checking every record in the initial list with no query, and comparing each record for the test:
$SPList.Items | foreach-object {
If( $_["Processing_Date"] -eq $SPListDate ) {
# $file = $_.file;
# $file.MoveTo($SPListPath + $SPDirName + "/" + $file.Name);
# $file.Update();
$SPindex = $SPindex + 1;
$SPMod = $Spindex % 50;
If ($SPMod -eq 0) {
Write-Host("${SPindex} records processed");
$SPCheck= $SPCheck + 1;
$SPMod1 = $SPCheck % 50;
If ($SPMod1 -eq 0) {
Write-Host("${SPCheck} records processed");
But I suspect it's still drawing the whole thing into memory, as I've not seen anything kick out yet, and the memory is creeping up again.
So I think the question is, (how) can I iterate through the items of a (very large) list without having it grab a lot of memory?