Yes you need to use javascript injection to add javascript file to the page.
Example (1) - Customize your SharePoint site UI by using JavaScript
Example (2) - JavaScript injection in SharePoint Online - Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices
Once you are able to inject js, then in that js , write the below mentioned code. I got the code from this blog by Marc Anderson's blog. Hope this slightly modified code helps you. Just ensure that jquery is loaded before this code is executed:
// Find all the top level links in the Quick Launch that have children
var topLevelLinks = $("div[id$='QuickLaunchMenu'] > ul > li:has('ul') > a");
// Prepend the little "twiddle" icon to each top level link
topLevelLinks.prepend("<span class='ms-commentexpand-iconouter ql-icon'><img alt='expand' src='/Comm/Comms2/_themes/1/spcommon-B35BB0A9.themedpng?ctag=2' class='ms-commentexpand-icon'></span>");
// We're starting with all of the sections collapsed. If you want them expanded, comment this out.
topLevelLinks.closest("li").find("> ul").hide();
// Set up for the click even of on the top level links
// - existing code
topLevelLinks.hover(function(e) {
// We're going to stop the default behavior
// Find the elements we need to work with
var childUl = $(this).closest("li").find("> ul");
var isVisible =":visible")
// If the section is visible, hide it, and vice versa
if(isVisible) {
// Replace the icon with its antitheses
$(this).find(".ql-icon").replaceWith("<span class='ms-commentexpand-iconouter ql-icon'><img alt='Expand' src='/Comm/Comms2/_themes/1/spcommon-B35BB0A9.themedpng?ctag=2' class='ms-commentexpand-icon'></span>");
// Hide the child links by sliding up. Note: You could change the effect here.
} else {
// Replace the icon with its antitheses
$(this).find(".ql-icon").replaceWith("<span class='ms-commentcollapse-iconouter ql-icon'><img alt='Collapse' src='/Comm/Comms2/_themes/1/spcommon-B35BB0A9.themedpng?ctag=2' class='ms-commentcollapse-icon'></span>");
// Show the child links by sliding down. Note: You could change the effect here.