I created a Managed Property using the SharePoint 2013 UI, then I re-index and all works well.
Now I have been asked to create the same Managed Property using PowerShell script, but I have no idea where to begin. I would be very glad if someone will show me some example.

1 Answer 1


The following is a script from MSDN web site to create managed properties based on a CSV file:


if ((gsnp Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null){ 
    asnp Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell 

$objShell = New-Object -Com Shell.Application 
$folder = $objShell.BrowseForFolder(0,"Please select the folder containing your CSV file:",0) 
$pathfld = $folder.Self.Path 
$fullpath = Join-Path $pathfld "managed-properties.csv" 

$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $SearchApplication 

Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path $fullpath | % { 

    switch ($_.Type){  
        "text" {$type = 1}  
        "integer" {$type = 2}  
        "decimal" {$type = 3} 
        "DateTime" {$type = 4} 
        "YesNo" {$type = 5} 
        "Binary" {$type = 6} 
        "Double" {$type = 7} 
        default {$type = 1} 

    if ((Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty $_.Name -SearchApplication $ssa -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $null){ 
        try { 
            New-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty -Name $_.Name -SearchApplication $ssa -Type $type -Retrievable:([bool]::Parse($_.Retrieve)) -Queryable:([bool]::Parse($_.Query)) -SafeForAnonymous:([bool]::Parse($_.Safe)) -EA Stop 

            $mp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataManagedProperty $_.Name -SearchApplication $ssa  
            $mp.Searchable = [bool]::Parse($_.Search) 
            $mp.Refinable = [bool]::Parse($_.Refine) 
            $mp.Sortable = [bool]::Parse($_.Sort) 
            $mp.HasMultipleValues = [bool]::Parse($_.Multivalue) 

            $cps = ($_.Properties).split(",") 

            Write-Host "Managed property $($_.Name) successfully created." -ForegroundColor Green 

            foreach ($cpname in $cps){ 
                try { 
                    $cp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCrawledProperty $cpname -SearchApplication $ssa -EA Stop 

                    try { 
                        New-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataMapping -SearchApplication $ssa -ManagedProperty $mp -CrawledProperty $cp 

                        Write-Host "Mapping between Managed property $($_.Name) and crawled property $($cp.Name) completed successfully." -ForegroundColor Green 
                    } catch { 
                        Write-Host "Unable to map managed property $($_.Name) and crawled property $($cp.Name). $($error[0].Exception.Message)." -ForegroundColor Magenta 
                } catch { 
                    Write-Host "Crawled property $($cp.Name) not found. $($error[0].Exception.Message)." -ForegroundColor Magenta 
        } catch { 
            Write-Host "Unable to create managed property $($_.Name). $($error[0].Exception.Message)." -ForegroundColor Magenta 
    } else { 
        Write-Host "Managed property $($_.Name) already exists." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow 

The CSV file structure should be the following (First line defines the columns, by the way):


You run the script as follows:

./create-managed-properties.ps1 -SearchApplication "Search Service Application"

Credit: MSDN

  • Thanks you for the help. I get this exception: Import-Csv : The given path's format is not supported. At C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\create-managed-properties.ps1.ps1:17 char:1 + Import-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path $fullpath | % { + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : OpenError: (:) [Import-Csv], NotSupportedException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FileOpenFailure,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportCsvCommand
    – Ado
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 8:56
  • Debug the script with PowerShell ISE. Put a breakpoint on line 15 and let me know what the $fullpath value is. Make sure your CSV file is named managed-properties.csv. Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 9:06
  • I get this: Set-PSBreakpoint : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\administrator\Desktop\create-managed-properties.ps1' because it does not exist.
    – Ado
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 9:12

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