We have been using the cross site publishing features of SP 2013 (on prem) for about two years now. We have reviewed many tutorials and blog posts on the subject:
This one from Microsoft employee Bela Engen and this series of technet articles. Also taken the the course on Lynda.com and dozens of other blog posts which mostly just copy these.
None of them really say anything about how to work with the catalog item page. They say, "Here it is, it doesn't look pretty, but the information is there." And then, if it even comes up at all they page has been mysteriously transformed into something amazing.
I did find this page on the markup of catalog item pages, But it doesn't say how to customize the display or add any logic such as "Convert these minutes into days/hours." or "If this content type is x then do y."
Does anyone know how to work with the content on a catalog item page?
Any good tutorials on how to make a catalog item page look good?
Or is there a way that the pagelayout can just supply all the managed properties and I can use regular tools like jquery, css and html to lay it out?
We don't have access to central admin or powershell. We do have SharePoint designer and html/css/javascript skills.