We have installed SharePoint 2013 and Office web apps 2013, linked with SharePoint.

Now we are unable to utilize the option "Edit in browser".

We are getting below error.

Excel webapp

Sorry you don't have a license to edit documents with Excel web apps. Please get in touch with your helpdesk.

We have a license of Office web apps.

We don't have any internet connection to our servers, only an Intranet.

We want our users to edit the Excel file at a same time in SharePoint 2013.

2 Answers 2


Encountered same issue when setting up one of my lab farms in Azure a while back.

When setting up the Office Web Apps working with SharePoint farm, there's a step during configuration that you need to perform logged on to one of the OWA farm machines:

$owaFarm = Get-OfficeWebAppsFarm;
$owaFarm .OpenFromUrlEnabled = $true;

After that the error should stop and Excel documents should render in browser.


Try running this Powershell command on your OWA server


and check if EditingEnabled property is set to true.

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