I´m using a Custom List for our Shift Schedule and i´m coloring some Words for a better Overview:
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
$Text = $("td.ms-cellstyle.ms-vb2:contains('Holiday'), td.ms-cellstyle.ms-vb2:contains('Gleitzeit')");
$Text.css({"color": "red", "font-weight": "bold"});
$Text = $("td.ms-cellstyle.ms-vb2:contains('Illness')");
$Text.css({"color": "red", "font-weight": "bold"});
This is working fine for me. (I Think it´s possible to combine Holiday and Illness, but i don´t know how)
I also have the Oncall Shift "Oncall (O)" and i´m trying to only bold the (O). But i have no Idea how i have to change my Code:
$Text = $("td.ms-cellstyle.ms-vb2:contains('(O)')");
$Text.css({"color": "red", "font-weight": "bold"});
In this Case the whole cell is Bold Onall (O)
Do you have any Ideas for me to change only the (O) in the cell?