I use sharepoint online, I have a problem whe I load my page. I want to show a list with Rest/Api but I have this message : TypeError: SP.RequestExecutor is not a constructor

I think scripts is not loaded, how I can do ?

  • Can you please post the code that you are using?
    – grisha
    Commented Sep 1, 2016 at 12:14
  • Why don't You mark achehab's answer as answer)
    – Gennady G
    Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 15:25

2 Answers 2


You can find how to load and use SP.RequestExecutor on this link (which i will not mention here).

Another way to load it though is the following:

Make sure your app has "sp.js" registered as such:

<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead" runat="server">
    <SharePoint:ScriptLink Name="sp.js" runat="server" OnDemand="true" LoadAfterUI="true" Localizable="false" />
    <!-- other scripts / styles here -->

To load the SP.RequestExecutor:

ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function () {
    var scriptbase = _spPageContextInfo.siteAbsoluteUrl + "/_layouts/15/";

    // Load the js files and continue to the successHandler
    $.getScript(scriptbase + "SP.RequestExecutor.js", function () {
        console.log("request executor is now loaded");
        // Logic here
}, "sp.js");

Add reference to your aspx or html page

<script type="text/javascript" src="/_layouts/15/SP.RequestExecutor.js"></script>

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