My question is concerning Administrative Privileges.
Over the past few months, I've been randomly removed from the Administrative Group on a daily basis (3-4 times a week to be precise).
I'm currently an administrator on our SharePoint site
Permission Level: Site Admin Full Control.
I am not a Site Collection Administrator and I cannot become one either. I've begun to log my actions each time this error occurs.
- Editing slides within a slide library
- Editing an excel document via Excel Web App
- Creating an App (i.e. Document Library) and placing it onto a site page
- Editing site pages on other subsites within our site
I've also been removed after performing other actions, or just simply logging in, however, I've failed to record those occurrences.
No other user within the administrative group is experiencing these problems. I've done some research and I have not found any mechanisms or security feature that automatically removes users from administrative groups.
Please help...thanks in advance!