I have an Enterprise Wiki Page and I am looking to display more than one "Categories" field on the side bar.
Currently, the closest I have got to doing this, is by building a new Enterprise Wiki page layout, and editing the HTML codes in SharePoint Designer. I have found a snippet/section of codes for the wiki categories, and have duplicated it.
This is the full code
<!--CS: Start Page Field: Wiki Categories Snippet-->
<!--SPM:<%@Register Tagprefix="PageFieldTaxonomyFieldControl" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy" Assembly="Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>-->
<!--MS:<PageFieldTaxonomyFieldControl:TaxonomyFieldControl FieldName="e1a5b98c-dd71-426d-acb6-e478c7a5882f" runat="server">-->
<!--PS: Start of READ-ONLY PREVIEW (do not modify)--><div align="left" class="ms-formfieldcontainer"><div class="ms-formfieldlabelcontainer" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="ms-formfieldlabel" nowrap="nowrap">Wiki Categories1</span></div><div class="ms-formfieldvaluecontainer"><div></div></div></div><!--PE: End of READ-ONLY PREVIEW-->
<!--CE: End Page Field: Wiki Categories Snippet-->
Notice I have changed the "name" to Wiki Categories1.
Subsequently, I have loaded the new page layout, but this is what I got. The first part of the screenshot is what I have during the "edit page" mode. The second part is what I see when I save the changes.
As you can see, I literally cloned the "Categories" field. Whatever input I put into the first "wiki categories" during the "edit page" mode is copied into the second "wiki categories" when the changes are saved, even though nothing is filled in (Sorry I know in the screenshot, both "wiki" categories are filled in with the same input already). Also, there is no "Wiki Categories1" anywhere.
I believe this has something to do with the Fieldname code in the HTML codes.
Please assist if you have any idea how to go about this! Thanks!