In O365, if I click the grid navigation and select SharePoint, I go to a start page of mydomain/_layouts/15/sharepoint.aspx rather than the home page of your main SharePoint site. I am looking for a way to either, add a more obvious link to our main SP site, or have it redirect to our main site instead of the start page. This page doesn't seem to be based on a master page I have access to (our usual way of customization). With SP Online, I don't seem to have access to the _layouts folder.
We have added a link to our main SharePoint site in the "promoted sites." The new SP start page MS is rolling out, buries promoted links in the left column as a basic looking link. It's very easy to miss.
A possible workaround is to hide the SharePoint tile, add a custom tile with the same name, and link it to our main SP site. This looks to be my best option right now. Any other suggestions?