I'm working on configuring SharePoint 2013 to authenticate with ADFS 3.0.
I have SharePoint setup to use Windows NTLM for search to crawl and then have the site redirect to the ADFS login page /_trust/default.aspx
I've been working on fixing the up the people picker using LDAPCP to it will check against AD using ADFS authentication over windows. I have also set it up to find security groups by following the "ADFS Not Resolving Active Directory Security Groups In SharePoint" guide. The guide applies to SharePoint 2010, but the Claims configuration still apply to SharePoint 2013.
The issue I'm having now is that I can search for the AD Security Groups, but when I add them to SharePoint and grant them Permissions, none of the Users assigned to the group can access the site. Does anyone have recommendations to fix this issue?