I have a jsLink working to display the groups and counts for a grouped list view, from here: js link group count list SharePoint 2013

But, my list has nested groups and the count for the children groups is displayed as "Undefined". I've searched for how to get the count for the nested groups but haven't been able to find anything.

  • This a stab in the dark for us, You need to show the code you tried Commented May 1, 2016 at 17:55

1 Answer 1


Please give the following CSR a try:

(function () {
  var itemCtx = {};
  itemCtx.Templates = {};
  itemCtx.Templates.Group = GroupOverride;
  itemCtx.Templates.OnPreRender = OPreR;
  itemCtx.Templates.OnPostRender = OPostR;

function OPreR(ctx){
    if(typeof ctx["CounterPreRenderExecuted"] == "undefined"){
        var style = "<style>#counter" + ctx["wpq"] + " td, #counter" + ctx["wpq"] + " th{border: 1px solid #ccc} #counter" + ctx["wpq"] + " {border-collapse: collapse !important}</style>"
        document.getElementById("WebPart" + ctx.wpq).insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", style + "<table id='counter" + ctx["wpq"] + "'><tr><th id='CounterGroup1Title" + ctx["wpq"] + "'></th><th id='CounterGroup2Title" + ctx["wpq"] + "'></th><th>Count</th>")
        ctx["CounterPreRenderExecuted"] = true
function OPostR(ctx){
    if(typeof ctx["CounterPostRenderExecuted"] == "undefined"){
        document.getElementById("CounterGroup1Title" + ctx["wpq"]).innerHTML = ctx["CounterGroup1Title"]
        document.getElementById("CounterGroup2Title" + ctx["wpq"]).innerHTML = ctx["CounterGroup2Title"]
        ctx["CounterPostRenderExecuted"] = true
function GroupOverride(ctx, group, groupId, listItem, listSchema, level, expand) {
    if(level == 1){
        ctx["CounterGroup1Title"] = group
        ctx["currentLvl1GroupValue"] = listItem[group]
    } else {
        ctx["CounterGroup2Title"] = group    
        document.getElementById("counter" + ctx["wpq"]).insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<tr><td>" + ctx["currentLvl1GroupValue"] + "</td><td>" + listItem[group] + "</td><td><b>" + listItem[group + '.COUNT.group2'] + "</b></td>")
    return RenderGroupTemplate(ctx, group, groupId, listItem, listSchema, level, expand)

It will render a table above the list as you can see in this screenshot:

enter image description here

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