Please give the following CSR a try:
(function () {
var itemCtx = {};
itemCtx.Templates = {};
itemCtx.Templates.Group = GroupOverride;
itemCtx.Templates.OnPreRender = OPreR;
itemCtx.Templates.OnPostRender = OPostR;
function OPreR(ctx){
if(typeof ctx["CounterPreRenderExecuted"] == "undefined"){
var style = "<style>#counter" + ctx["wpq"] + " td, #counter" + ctx["wpq"] + " th{border: 1px solid #ccc} #counter" + ctx["wpq"] + " {border-collapse: collapse !important}</style>"
document.getElementById("WebPart" + ctx.wpq).insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", style + "<table id='counter" + ctx["wpq"] + "'><tr><th id='CounterGroup1Title" + ctx["wpq"] + "'></th><th id='CounterGroup2Title" + ctx["wpq"] + "'></th><th>Count</th>")
ctx["CounterPreRenderExecuted"] = true
function OPostR(ctx){
if(typeof ctx["CounterPostRenderExecuted"] == "undefined"){
document.getElementById("CounterGroup1Title" + ctx["wpq"]).innerHTML = ctx["CounterGroup1Title"]
document.getElementById("CounterGroup2Title" + ctx["wpq"]).innerHTML = ctx["CounterGroup2Title"]
ctx["CounterPostRenderExecuted"] = true
function GroupOverride(ctx, group, groupId, listItem, listSchema, level, expand) {
if(level == 1){
ctx["CounterGroup1Title"] = group
ctx["currentLvl1GroupValue"] = listItem[group]
} else {
ctx["CounterGroup2Title"] = group
document.getElementById("counter" + ctx["wpq"]).insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<tr><td>" + ctx["currentLvl1GroupValue"] + "</td><td>" + listItem[group] + "</td><td><b>" + listItem[group + '.COUNT.group2'] + "</b></td>")
return RenderGroupTemplate(ctx, group, groupId, listItem, listSchema, level, expand)
It will render a table above the list as you can see in this screenshot: