I have an Application Page in which I have done coding to create a folder in Dropbox. I have used DropNet(DropNet is a .NET client library for the Dropbox API) for the same. But I am facing an error:

Assembly generation failed. Referenced assembly does not have a strong name

I have installed using Package Manager Console. Did I miss anything?

2 Answers 2


Have you add your dll to the package ? All the external dll must be added to the SharePoint package (not sur you need to safe control) in sharepoint. In VisualStudio => Open the Packadge Click on Advanced (at the bottom) Here add your external DLL


The assembly must be deployed to GAC to be available for use in Application Page. It looks like it is not signed with a strong name. As far as I know, you have to recompile assembly DLL to sign it.

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