We have a brand new SharePoint 2010 SP2 Enterprise farm with a standalone Fast Search Server. I've done the configuration according to the article here http://sharepointpromag.com/sharepoint/deploying-fast-search-server-2010-sharepoint
Everything looks good apart from the fact that fast search cannot crawl items.
Here are the symptoms:
- The crawler goes over a lot of documents but ultimately fails with an error (see below)
- I receive an error in the Windows Event logs on the SP server (not sure if it's related):
- I cannot access http://localhost:32843/SecurityTokenServiceApplication/securitytoken.svc because of on error:
- When I'm trying to use the command docpush -U -c sp http://site/Pages/Home.aspx it gives me an error:
- Claims To Windows Token Service is running on all servers (if it matters)
- The same problem is present when I'm crawling applications with both Claims-based authentication and Windows Authentication
The search account has Full control to the web application
Additional Info
- Fast Search 2010 SP1
- Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 with .net 3.5.1 (SP1)
- Anonymous access is enabled
- I can access the crawled content with the account that is used for crawling
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I've removed all bindings from both WFEs:
Here is the standard IIS bindings for SharePoint Web Services. Looks like all the rest of the services work with no errors