I have a strange problem with outgoing alerts e-mails on our SP 2010 farm. Alert notification are delivered, but no alerts comes whatever I do. I remembered the page for SP alerts here and followed the instructions, but with any luck...

Nothing was changed on Exchange or Configure outgoing e-mail settings in CA, server was restarted three times, no errors in log, Immediate Alerts job works (end with succeeded status every 5 minutes), owstimer is healthy and telnet SMTP test was successful.

There is one strange thing. I wanted to check if exist some aletrs waiting to be send on disk in inetpub folder, but I cannot find any. Where are they? Yes, there is chance, that we lost them... Beside that, there is no our-portal.domain folder, only old one with different DNS name and yes, we changed DNS names three days ago.

  • So, did SharePoint stop sending these mails three days ago? Or did the problem occur earlier?
    – AlexPoint
    Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 13:54
  • Related question: sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/2653/…
    – Kit Menke
    Commented Aug 3, 2011 at 15:24
  • AlexPoint about half day later I think, it is difficult to investigate exact time, because DNS changes was during sunday and there is no entry in logs at all. It works before that.
    – Molik
    Commented Aug 4, 2011 at 7:51
  • Kit Menke thank you, I saw this question, but I think this is different, because we did some DNS changes (even this change should not affect it, because IP addresses are the same) and it affect whole portal (15 collections and all application). But yes, maybe I was wrong
    – Molik
    Commented Aug 4, 2011 at 7:52

3 Answers 3


It's solved for now. "stsadm.exe -o setproperty -url https://our-portal -pn alerts-enabled -pv true" command typed many times WITHOUT manually started imm. alert jobs works. Maybe it is my fault, when no alerts come in 5 minutes, I opened CA, start job manually, do some changes and type command again. If I leave it alone at the end, it works. Or maybe it is a coincidence and farm was confused by DNS changes.


I finally fix this after following steps

  • in my case initial confirmation emails was sending but future change alerts were not

  • allowing all sharepoint servers in the farm to relay email in Exchange server fix the problem

  • you can also change the prefered Server for Timer service for each Content database in central admin (/_admin/CNTDBADM.aspx)

  • also note that the server which Immediate and Daily alerts are sending from, are shown in central admin. play with services and you will find it is running on your one of your servers (/_admin/ScheduledTimerJobs.aspx) .


enter image description here http://sharepointalert.info/troubleshooting-sharepoint-alerts/


which Exchange version do you use? did you try to configure sharepoint for outgoing smtp server with it's ip address and port 25? check your ip config, try a telnet to the smtp server with port 25 and check technet info on http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc263462.aspx

  • Would the alert notification work, if outgoing email settings or IP configuration are wrong?
    – AlexPoint
    Commented Aug 4, 2011 at 9:30

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