I want a feature where users can manage links that they can see in a quick way, and they can reorder it, and there's a way to display it on the master page via rest for example.

I fount the myquicklinks.aspx page but it doesn't seem to have a REST way to download from it, and it doesn't have a way to reorder the items.

Then I found the quicklanuch links shown below. This appears on the master page and has a reorder ability which is what I want. The only problem is, our users already have links from SP2010 through a custom solution, and we need to import that data to this.

Does anyone know where exactly this data is being stored, and how to add data to it?


enter image description here


1 Answer 1


As the article that Waqas Sarwar links to mentions, the QuickLaunch links are stored in the SPWeb.Navigation.QuickLaunch property. Here are links to various documentation pages on MSDN that you might find useful:

SPWeb.Navigation property

SPNavigation class

SPNavigation.QuickLaunch property

I'm not absolutely certain if it's accessible via the REST API, but my guess is that since Navigation is a property of SPWeb then, yes, it should be accessible.

To add data to the QuickLaunch, you would create new SPNavigationNode objects which represent the links, and add them to the SPWeb.Navigation.QuickLaunch node collection.

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