I am trying to use the Lists.asmx service to gain access to surveys on a Sharepoint server.

I would like to be able to list all of the surveys without showing all the other kinds of lists there.

The idea is to select a survey by name (not GUID) and to then evaluate the responses. I am hoping that the web service will provide information about the questions too - multi-choice, rating range, data type etc.

Can anyone help here?


1 Answer 1


You can use the SiteData.asmx service's function GetListCollection to give you all the lists in the site.

From there you can filter by BaseType == "Survey" to get all the surveys.

For the next part you will need to use Lists.asmx service's function GetList to give you an XML representation of the list.

It returns the schema.xml of the list (CAML), so you'll need to parse that. This should be enough to get you started.

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