Business Case: Surveys are sent out for each new KB my team builds and they are live anywhere from 2-4 weeks. The business has requested that each week a survey is live, an email be sent out that contains the total number of responses (so they know if they need further communication).
Problem: I don't want to grant full control to the surveys allowing them to view the # of responses on their own (these surveys are anonymous & restricted view to creator). My idea was to create a workflow that captures that number (via REST API) and sends out the email with it.
Progress: I managed to find the field I need from the response, I built out the workflow but it's failing before the Dictionary is even built.
Dictionary has 1 entry:
- Name: Accept
- Type: String
- Value: application/json;odata=verbose
Here's the URL I'm using for the call:
http://[mydomain]/resource/025/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('[list display name]')/?$select=ItemCount
Here's the properties of the Call:
Here's an overview of the workflow including the 'Get...' action:
What happens when the workflow is ran on an item it gets stuck 'retrying' saying "…HTTP NotFound…[url to list item]..." then it goes to 'Suspended' with an HTTP 404 error.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Why is it getting stuck building the dictionary?
Thank you in advance for your time & help!
P.S. sorry about the long post, I wanted to avoid a bunch of 'back and forth' to get the details.