I have extended a web application in SharePoint Foundation 2010. Added an AAM from "http://servername" to "http://portal". Accessing the site with the AAM address (http://portal) will come up however I receive several script errors. Noticeably If I click on Page I get a persistant Loading message, then I am unable to click the navigation button or navigation button. Some examples of the errors on page from IE are "Syntax error ScriptResource.axd" "Syntax error WebResource.axd" "'Sys' is underfined Home.aspx" "'WebForm_SaveScrollPositionSubmit' is undefined Home.aspx" "'Type' is undefined sp.core.js" "Object doesn't support this property or method cui.js" "Object expected core.js Code: 0 URI: http://portal/_layouts/1033/core.js?rev=1VDxRR0oL3%2FEtgWNP2%2BGbQ%3D%3D"
How ever if I access the site using "http://servername" everything works as expected. Thoughts?