I apologize if my response doesn't quite meet your needs, but your request is missing some information. Here are the assumptions I am making based on your post:
- "I have a list for of items added by users" - I assume you are working in a document library
- "I want that user can only see the item added by them." - By them, I assume that an uploader can only see the files they uploaded?
This can easily be accomplished by enabling Major\Minor versioning in the library. In the library settings, click on Versioning settings. Select "Create major and minor (draft) versions)" and enter the number of major versions that will be allowed if require that. To limit the document viewing to the uploader and the approvers you have to select Yes for "Require content approval for submitted items" and then select Only users who can approve items (and the author of the item) under Draft Item Security.
From there you will need to ensure users have the ability to approve items within your library. The library will now allow users to upload documents, but until an approver makes it a major version only the approvers and the uploader can see the file.
If you require department separation for the approvers, you will have to separate each department by either folder or library. You can then set the necessary security on the folder or library so each approver is unique to their department.
You can learn more about creating permission levels here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/library/cc263239.aspx
You can learn how to add permissions to a folder or library here: https://support.office.com/en-ca/article/Manage-permissions-for-a-list-library-folder-document-or-list-item-9d13e7df-a770-4646-91ab-e3c117fcef45
Please note: AnkitKumar's solution does require less work, but is not totally secure. It is known as security through obscurity. In other words you are hoping that if they don't see the document they won't modify it. However, users can change the view they are using or create a personal view (unless you lock that down) that will then allow them to view and edit the documents.