I have a managed property and I have been told that I need to delete it from the tenant level schema. Bit confused to what this means
2 Answers
Tenant level is your entire Office 365 "world"
That is the level above all your site collections.
To access the Tenant level managed properties go through:
- In the app launcher click "Admin" this will bring you to https://portal.office.com/admin/default.aspx
- In the left menu click "Admin | SharePoint" this will bring you to https://XXX-admin.sharepoint.com
- In the left menu click "Search"
- In the main content click "Manage Schema" this will bring you to https://XXX-admin.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/searchadmin/ta_listmanagedproperties.aspx?level=tenant where you manage your tenant level managed properties
As per my knowledge, Tenant level at office 365 is your site collection level .
So you have to delete your site collection managed property to get your desire output.
Referred links: just for understand the concept of tenant level.