The edit form is opened through a link. Once the user click this link, the edit form for the list will be opened as a modal dialog. Any changes done are saved but the modal dialog is not closed properly on Chrome and Firefox (see the exceptions below). On IE this works fine and no exception is thrown. What is the solution for this?
This error will appear on Chrome:
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://vm-sp2010:700/Pages/The-Pipeline.aspx from frame with URL http://vm-sp2010/my/personal/administrator/Lists/ClockSettings/EditForm.aspx?ID=1&IsDlg=1. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
This error is on Firefox:
Error: Permission denied for http://vm-sp2010 to get property >HTMLIFrameElement.cancelPopUp from http://vm-sp2010:700. Source File: http://vm-sp2010/my/personal/administrator/Lists/ClockSettings/EditForm.aspx?ID=1&IsDlg=1 Line: 1