Having some trouble adding a "read more" button to an announcements webpart in SP2013 Foundation. This "read more" button is automatically generated by JavaScript after the announcement/news entry is larger than 300 characters, and provides the user with a link to a full view of the text file within SharePoint. Here's the Javascript I'm using as an attempt to make it happen. I pulled it from this SE thread.
(function () {
var viewCtx = {};
viewCtx.Templates = {};
viewCtx.Templates.Header = "<table>";
viewCtx.Templates.Item = AnnouncementItem;
viewCtx.Templates.Footer = "</table>";
viewCtx.BaseViewID = 1;
viewCtx.ListTemplateType = 104;
function AnnouncementItem(ctx) {
var headlineLimit = 300;
var headline = $(ctx.CurrentItem.Body).text();
if (headline.length > headlineLimit)
headline = headline.substring(0,headlineLimit);
return String.format("<tr><td><p><b>{3}</b></p>{1}<a href='{2}/DispForm.aspx?ID={0}'> Read More…</a></td></tr>",
Not having much luck at all, it keeps returning me with the errors "ReferenceError: $ is not defined ReferenceError: $ is not defined"
Does anyone have any ideas? Sorry if anything seems off, I'm an extreme beginner when it comes to Javascript.
Thank you in advance.
looks like a jQuery construct to me. Are you loading jQuery? If not, that may be why$
is not defined.