I added a content query web part to my team site collection, then i export it , and i modified the QueryOverride tag as follow:-

<OrderBy><FieldRef Name="Created" Ascending="FALSE"/></OrderBy>


               <IsNotNull><FieldRef ID="{e6746432-6ed6-45a9-8f90-a46424a22ca9}"/></IsNotNull>
               <Eq><FieldRef ID="{e6746432-6ed6-45a9-8f90-a46424a22ca9}"/><Value Type="User"><UserID/></Value></Eq>
               <IsNotNull><FieldRef ID="{2384afb0-efaf-4284-80fa-d54ce90be415}"/></IsNotNull>
               <Neq><FieldRef ID="{2384afb0-efaf-4284-80fa-d54ce90be415}"/><Value Type="Choice">Closed</Value></Neq>

     <IsNotNull><FieldRef ID="{d3d161e1-70ec-4651-b7e4-c47d36dea099}"/></IsNotNull>
     <Neq><FieldRef ID="{d3d161e1-70ec-4651-b7e4-c47d36dea099}"/><Value Type="Choice">Action</Value></Neq>




           <IsNotNull><FieldRef ID="{795d2ee2-9f9d-42e6-a21d-f2e519e12d2c}"/></IsNotNull>
           <Eq><FieldRef ID="{795d2ee2-9f9d-42e6-a21d-f2e519e12d2c}"/><Value Type="User"><UserID/></Value></Eq>
           <IsNotNull><FieldRef ID="{ef10ffb5-7e0c-44ba-92c5-44b39957b447}"/></IsNotNull>
           <Neq><FieldRef ID="{ef10ffb5-7e0c-44ba-92c5-44b39957b447}"/><Value Type="Choice">Closed</Value></Neq>


           <IsNotNull><FieldRef ID="{d3d161e1-70ec-4651-b7e4-c47d36dea099}"/></IsNotNull>
           <Neq><FieldRef ID="{d3d161e1-70ec-4651-b7e4-c47d36dea099}"/><Value Type="Choice">Action</Value></Neq>



After that i imported the web part inside my page, but i did not get any result, so can anyone adivce what is wrong with my CAML , now i am trying to get list items that match the following criteria :-

  1. have its column id {e6746432-6ed6-45a9-8f90-a46424a22ca9} = login user + its status != closed + its type !=Action


  1. have its column id {795d2ee2-9f9d-42e6-a21d-f2e519e12d2c} = login user + its status != closed + its type !=Action

so can anyone advice if my CAML query have any thing wrong ?

2 Answers 2


Try to replace <UserID /> tag by UserID number (int).

Moreover, if you want to ensure that your query is correct, check the server response: if you receive a 400 Bad Request HTTP Error, then it's very probable that your query is malformed. If the answer is 200 OK, then you should check the rest of the code.


I would highly suggest using CamlDesigner. I don't want to go through your caml query because your formatting is horrendous. Please clean that up if you want us to look at it. Here is an example Caml Query i made with CamlDesigner on a random list

                  <FieldRef Name='Created' />
                  <Value Type='DateTime'>
                     <Today />
                  <FieldRef Name='Edit' />
               <FieldRef Name='DocStatus' />
               <Value Type='Choice'>Pending</Value>
            <FieldRef Name='Edit' />

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