Recently I've setup multiple VMs for SharePoint 2013 development. I'm using the stand-alone installation. Now I want to create a template.

I ran sysprep and exported the machine. But when I create a new VM from it I get errors such as "Failed to detect if this server is joined to a server farm...".

Is it possible to create a VM template for a stand-alone installation? Is anyone doing this?

2 Answers 2


You cannot template SharePoint VMs after you've run the Config Wizard. So what you can do is install SharePoint, without running the wizard, then sysprep.

An end-to-end guide has been posted on the TechNet Blogs.


What about setting up your OS to auto run AutoSPInstaller on first boot after your SysPrep? It takes more clock time for the first boot than a template VM, but not any more interaction. What are you trying to optimize?

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