I have a JS that displays something in a page, when I login as a Reader, it doesnt display anything (when I debug the JS using IE Dev tools, it runs but ends at some point)
But when I login as a contributor or higher, the JS code performs well.
The JS is in my SiteAssets and I tried moving it to Style Library and publishing it and still the same, I also moved it to Layouts and still the same.
ends at some point
does it throws any error or something else? You will have to provide some more information.$j(document).ready(function () { ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(test, "SP.js"); }); function test() { processRefiners(); } function processRefiners() { var refDiv = $j('#Refiner').html(); $j('#Refiner').append(""); $j('#RefinerPanel').html(refDiv); $j('#searchBar').show(); }
basically the code just appends some checkboxes and texts into a div