I cannot seem to find any information on the behaviour of lists added to a VS "App for SharePoint" project.
The process of adding a custom list is quite similar to what you would do in SP Designer.
When adding a List to your project, there is even the option to Show/Hide that particular list in the "Quick Launch".
However, when I deploy my simple app to the SP server and access it, the list I defined in the project is nowhere to be found (or so it seems).
I therefore wonder what the expected behaviour is for this or how one should go about to deploy a custom app that makes use of one or more custom lists.
This question seems related to this one (if not completely the same) so I was a bit to quick to duplicate it here. Nonetheless, as I now understand, lists added to a VS App project will only be available in the "App Web".
So that makes me wonder, what If I want to use my app to add information to a SP website such that it will also be available/persisted outside the App itself?
Taking the common example of a TODO list App for Sharepoint and instead of using a pre-existing "Tasks" list, I add my own version to my App project.
How can I make that custom list accessible outside my app, or is that never a good idea?
What happens if I make updates to my app and re-deploy it? Will all my data be lost?