We recently migrated to office 365 and are now trying to take advantage of SharePoint but are really pretty new to the whole thing. We want to have one place to search for all customer related documents and photos.
We initially thought we would create a document library and dump everything into it, this way we would just have one simple place to look but didn't like the way we couldn't see the thumbnail view of photos so now we are thinking we could a document library and an image or asset library but now our users would have to look into both places. This seems like a pretty basic request and I'm sure has been done countless times.
The process we are thinking about is :
1. User submits a Job Setup form
2. It triggers a workflow that creates the Docset
3. The users works out of the docset until the job is complete (possibly another workflow to email link to the docset)
I think this would work for just working out of because most of our users who would want to see the images are going to be using search or filtering. Are there anyways to have the search results have thumbnails for photos? E.g.; User searches for Job# 221 it would show all docs and images for that? And the same would happen if they searched by customer? I was playing around with something similar to this with a text filter but whatever library I attached to it just showed empty.
What are our options?