I have removed application/pdf
from $webapp.AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes
and updated. I have checked if the server is not running in the Permissive mode - it is not. What else can I do? All the PDF documents are opened in the browser. I think they should not, after I did what I did. Any Ideas, please? I just want it to open in the Adobe Acrobat, or Reader... for start.
UPDATE: I have added <Mapping Key="pdf" Value="icpdf.png" OpenControl="AdobeAcrobat.OpenDocuments"/>
to docicon.xml, as well.
UPDATE: In the SarePoint shell I typed: Get-SPWOPIBinding –Application "WordPDF" | Remove-SPWOPIBinding -Confirm:$false
and now it is not using a browser to open. Now the problem is that it is asking me to save the file with no option to open it.