I am using SP 2013 JSOM for paging and sorting the list data in <table>. I have referred the code from this link https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/sharepoint/SharePoint-JSOM-list-5104ca92/sourcecode?fileId=92627&pathId=789885789
The problem is when I am using sortColumn as Created and click on the Previous Page button (btnBack) of paging, then it throws error Request Failed.Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131904 undefined
But for any other column it works fine.
Is it because it is Date/Time column ?

var context, 
    listName = 'ContactsList', 
    pageIndex = 1, // default page index value 
    pageSize = 4, // default page size value 
    sortColumn = 'Created'; // this is sort column, you can add more than one column, but you should add it also to CAML Query & managePagerControl function 

// This code runs when the DOM is ready and creates a context object which is needed to use the SharePoint object model  
$(document).ready(function () { 
    context = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); 
    list = context.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listName); 
    camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery(); 

    $("#btnNext").click(function () { 
        pageIndex = pageIndex + 1; 
        if (nextPagingInfo) { 
            position = new SP.ListItemCollectionPosition(); 
        else { 
            position = null; 


    $("#btnBack").click(function () { 
        pageIndex = pageIndex - 1; 
        position = new SP.ListItemCollectionPosition(); 


function GetListItems() { 
    //Set the next or back list items collection position 
    //First time the position will be null 

    // Create a CAML view that retrieves all contacts items  with assigne RowLimit value to the query 
    camlQuery.set_viewXml("<View>" + 
                                "<ViewFields>" + 
                                       "<FieldRef Name='FirstName'/>" + 
                                       "<FieldRef Name='Title'/>" + 
                                       "<FieldRef Name='Company'/>" + 
                                  "</ViewFields>" + 
                               "<Query>" + 
                                    "<OrderBy>" + 
                                      "<FieldRef Name='" + sortColumn + "' Ascending='true' />" + 
                                    "</OrderBy>" + 
                               "</Query>" + 
                               "<RowLimit>" + pageSize + "</RowLimit></View>"); 

    spItems = list.getItems(camlQuery); 

            Function.createDelegate(this, onSuccess), 
            Function.createDelegate(this, onFail) 

// This function is executed if the above OM call is successful 
// This function render the returns items to html table 
function onSuccess() { 

    var listEnumerator = spItems.getEnumerator(); 
    var items = []; 
    var item; 

    while (listEnumerator.moveNext()) { 
        item = listEnumerator.get_current(); 
        items.push("<td>" + item.get_item('FirstName') + "</td><td>" + item.get_item('Title') + "</td><td>" + item.get_item('Company') + "</td>"); 

    var content = "<table><tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Company</th></tr><tr>" 
                + items.join("</tr><tr>") + "</tr></table>"; 


function managePagerControl() { 

    if (spItems.get_listItemCollectionPosition()) { 
        nextPagingInfo = spItems.get_listItemCollectionPosition().get_pagingInfo(); 
    } else { 
        nextPagingInfo = null; 

    $("#pageInfo").html((((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize) + 1) + " - " + ((pageIndex * pageSize) - (pageSize - spItems.get_count()))); 

    previousPagingInfo = "PagedPrev=TRUE&Paged=TRUE&p_ID=" + spItems.itemAt(0).get_item('ID') + "&p_" + sortColumn + "=" + encodeURIComponent(spItems.itemAt(0).get_item(sortColumn)); 

    if (pageIndex <= 1) { 
        $("#btnBack").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); 
    else { 

    if (nextPagingInfo) { 
    else { 
        $("#btnNext").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); 


// This function is executed if the above call fails 
function onFail(sender, args) { 
    alert('Failed to get items. Error:' + args.get_message()); 

1 Answer 1


"Created" returns a Date Object, you cannot use it for sorting. It adds [Object Object] into your pagingInfo string, Use "Created_x0020_Date" instead, it returns string and works perfectly, I ran into the same problem and using "Created_x0020_Date" fixed the issue

sortColumn = 'Created_x0020_Date';

or do .toISOString() on date object and then add to prevPagingInfo

  • Is this a custom column(calculated) or default because when I used it, the code throws error : Field with name "Created_x0020_Date" was not found
    – Yayati
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 13:08
  • It is an OOTB column, I wonder why it is not on your list, It may have different name on your list. Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 13:53
  • you can format the date value to SharePoint date format, I'm not sure what the format is, but the actual problem is you are trying to add [Object] to String, So try to format the date value, Or use any other calculated column / Modified Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 14:52
  • or you can debug how the OOTB get_nextPaginInfo() value returned and form prevPaginInfo it in the same way. Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 15:01
  • 1
    I converted the Created date object to ISO string using item.get_item('Created'). toISOString() and it worked fine
    – Yayati
    Commented Aug 19, 2015 at 15:14

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