in June 2017, Microsoft disabled the use of JavaScript in a Calculated Column
That means given answers may not apply for newer SharePoint versions
For long explanation and work arounds see:
June 13th 2017 Microsoft blocked handling HTML markup in SharePoint calculated fields - how to get the same functionality back
Original answer:
I pulled some scribles out of my OneNote, several options:
Add some extra styles to the existing CSS classes
.ms-vb2 .ms-rtestate-field{
.ms-vb2 .ms-rtestate-field:hover{
In Chrome I use the StyleBot plugin to fool around with CSS on WebPages.
You can also add a Content Editor WebPart on the ListView page to add this CSS
CSR - Client Side Rendering (SP2013/Online only)
function bodyFieldTemplate(ctx) {
var bodyValue = ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
//This regex expression is used to delete html tags from the Body field
var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
bodyValue = bodyValue.replace(regex, "");
var newBodyValue = bodyValue;
if (bodyValue && bodyValue.length >= 100)
newBodyValue = bodyValue.substring(0, 100) + " ...";
return "<span title='" + bodyValue + "'>" + newBodyValue + "</span>";
You need to add more JavaScript code to get your See More UX
Helpfull links
Oh! And one more thing...
JavaScript and HTML in a Calculated Column (ICC)
For quick prototyping I stuff HTML+JavaScript in a Calculated Column (and then instruct the 5 US$ an hour programmers in India to replicate the behaviour in more solid code, although to be honest most often the client is fine with my ductape approach)
- Create a Calculated Column
- Set the datatype to Number
Paste the Formula
="<STYLE>a.icctt:hover {text-decoration:none;}"
&"a.icctt span {z-index:10;display:none;width:200px;padding:5px;margin:20 0 0 -340;text-align:left;}"
&"a.icctt:hover span{display:inline;position:absolute;color:#111;border:1px solid #DCA;background:#fffAF0;}"
&".callout {z-index:20;position:absolute;top:130px;border:0;left:-120px;}"
&"<img src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' onload=""{"
&"function ICCmyTR(me){while(me.tagName!='TR'){me=me.parentNode}return(me)}"
&"function ICCmyTD(me){while(me.parentNode.tagName!='TR'){me=me.parentNode}return(me)}"
&"function ICChide(me){'none'}"
&"function ICChideheader(TRnode,n){ICChide(TRnode.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.firstChild.children[n])}"
&"function ICCcolNR(me){TR=ICCmyTR(me);myTD=ICCmyTD(me);for(i=0;i<TR.children.length;i++){if(myTD==TR.children[i]){break;}}return(i)}"
&"function ICCcontentNode(me){while(me.firstChild!=null){me=me.firstChild}return(me.parentNode)}"
&"function ICCprevTD(me){return(ICCmyTD(me).previousSibling)}"
&"function ICCshort(me){P=me.firstChild;if(!P)return;"
&"if(S.length>1){P.innerHTML='<A HREF=# class=icctt>'+S.substring(0,15)+'...<span>'+P.innerHTML+'</span></a>';}}}"
&"function ICCshortenAll(me){TD=ICCmyTR(me).firstChild;do{ICCshort(TD);TD=TD.nextSibling;}while(TD)}"
- Full explanation on Why this works at:
- You have to add this column as the last one in your View
- It will shorten all Previous Long Text Columns
- This is for Quick Development only,
it adds 1200 bytes of code per list item to the Webpage
You can extract the logic and offload it to a CSR solution
do not blame for not sharing a solution that cost me 20$
CalcMaster Bookmarklet to edit Formulas
It is a PITA to debug Calculated Columns. Because you don't get feedback until you save a Formula and you end up having to click multiple times to get back to your Formula.
I have written a small 'CalcMaster' bookmarklet which hooks into the formula-editor and does a save of the Formula on every keypress; giving immediate feedback.
Published a first version on GitHub: