I've calculated the age using setFullYear and getFullYear, as I only want to use the birth year to calculate age for fun, but it doesn't work

Here's the code I've tried so far, which I think should work. Please give me some pointers:

function Onclick() 
     var Text1 = $("#Text1").val();

     var datetoday = new Date();
     var today = datetoday.getFullYear();
     var datebirthday = new Date();
     var birthday = datebirthday.getFullYear();
     var age = today - birthday;


1 Answer 1


It was a simple mistake as I assumed, as it is a textbox and not a div, I should use .val instead of .text or html or innerHTML, like this:

function Onclick() {
var Text1 = $("#Text1").val();
var datetoday = new Date();
var today = datetoday.getFullYear();
var datebirthday = new Date();
var birthday = datebirthday.getFullYear();
var age = today - birthday;


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