I'm stuck with a problem here that leaves me stupefied. I am writing an HttpModule which examines the URL of all HTTP requests in order to log which users have downloaded each document in a document library. Everything works the way it should when logged into the server machine. However, when logged on from another machine in the network, it appears that occasionally, HTTP isn't used at all.
Logging all HTTP requests, when logged into the server I get a request for the URL like http://portal.customer.local/reports/Reportslib/xsht2.xlsx whenever downloading a document. When viewing the documents from another computer in the network, this request usually appears. When viewing an Office document, however, there is sometimes a request for http://portal.customer.local/reports/_vti_bin/cellstorage.svc/cellstorageservicentlm instead. I figured this might be some sort of service function, and sure enough, when examining the header of this request, I find the field
So I'm guessing that SOAP is somehow used to to retreive the document, maybe if it has been cached somewhere or there is some special connection to the Office application involved.
So, two-part question:
(1) Does anyone have an idea what's really going on here? Is there a way to work around it?
(2) There has got to be some easier way to do this. My objective is just to log the document name and username whenever a document has been downloaded. Is there something I'm overlooking?
class FileDownloadedEvent : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
// Register event handler to be called after every page request
context.PostAuthenticateRequest += ContextPostAuthenticateRequest;
static void ContextPostAuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
var app = sender as HttpApplication;
if (app != null)
string requesturl = app.Request.Url.ToString();
// Inspect request url to see whether it's a request to download a document from the document library
if (requesturl.StartsWith(Utils.reportsLibraryUrl) && (!requesturl.Contains(".aspx")) && (!requesturl.EndsWith("/")))
SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
String fileName = requesturl.Substring(Utils.reportsLibraryUrl.Length);
// Call event handler action to register downloaded document
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
EventHandlerActions.documentDownloaded(web, requesturl, fileName);
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
public void Dispose() { }