I am facing the following 2 problems inside my team site, and I can not find a suitable column type that can satisfy my requirements :-
I need to create a site column which contain a list of external users, and which allow to select multiple users. Now the default drop-down list column type will not satisfy this as it does not allow multiple selection, also the checkbox option will not be user-friendly as I might have around 20-30 users.
Currently I have created a site column named “Project Managers” of type “Person or Group ” and I associated with a security group which contain our project managers. But inside this site column I want to add some out sourced project managers, which are not defined inside our active directory. So how I can manage such as list ? as the default “People or group” column type will not be sufficient in this case, because when using "People or Group" column type the associated users have to be defined inside the active directory which is not the case for our out sourced users.
Can anyone advice on how I can manage the above 2 site columns ? as seems the default column types will not satisfy our requirements?