I have a question but not sure if I explain well because I do not even understand exactly what I need. I need to migrate a sites (I do not know who they worked or how, this is on my job, I'm newbie there of course).
I started with this steps (https://win1337ist.wordpress.com/2011/03/08/exporting-and-importing-sites-between-wss-3-and-sharepoint-foundation-2010/= ) but when I try to import that database, I can't because is too big.
We have an express version of 2010 where is allowed only cca 10 GB for database and ours is bigger of course.
We have that SharePoint on one server and I'm trying migrate websites with webdeployment tool from II6 to II7.
My question is, is it possible to migrate that database on server on which we have enough space(another one), and than on server where sites needs to be have just some link to that other server where database is and use that on this way ?!
Does this question even make sense or am I confused something. For even itself I do not know exactly what to do or some such thing in question. Because, honestly have no idea about all this and at work I have to do.
Thank you for any kind of suggest.