I've put a content search webpart on a page together with some refiners. The items in the content search webpart are filtered by a query string parameter (name: tag)
path:"https://abcdefgh.sharepoint.com/Onderwijs/Opleidingen/opleidingswerkruimte" (FileExtension:doc OR FileExtension:docx OR FileExtension:xls OR FileExtension:xlsx OR FileExtension:ppt OR FileExtension:pptx OR FileExtension:pdf) (IsDocument:"True" OR contentclass:"STS_ListItem") {?RefinableString00:{QueryString.tag}}
this works fine until I use one of the refiners, the results are getting 'refined' but when I click 'show all' again in the refiner section no data is show.
The url changes to something like this:
any help here?