(Disclaimer: This is the first time I deal with SharePoint)
I am trying to add a file in SharePoint and reference it in a property of a list item. The property type is 'Sparqube Lookup Classic' (I had no idea what that was but a quick search led me to this: http://www.sparqube.com/SharePoint-Lookup-Column/).
What ever I try I seem to fail. I have searched on-line, but no relevant results came up (wrong search terms probably?).
Here is my half-functioning code. The item has no file attached in that (_x03a8__x03b7__x03c6__x03b9__x03
) property when the code finishes.
public void PublishDocToSP()
var clientContext = GetClient();
SP.Client.File file;
var folderName = "DocLib";
// Upload file - Works OK.
var fileName = @"C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.pdf";
var folder = clientContext.Web.Folders.GetByUrl(clientContext.Url + '/' + folderName);
var info = new FileCreationInformation
ContentStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read),
Overwrite = false,
Url = clientContext.Url + '/' + folderName + '/' + Path.GetFileName(fileName),
file = folder.Files.Add(info);
// Add item in list and reference file in property. Not working!
var list = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetById(Guid.Parse("{6F15AACD-1132-4BD8-AC7D-36EA1A336D5C}"));
var itemCreateInfo = new ListItemCreationInformation()
var li = list.AddItem(itemCreateInfo);
li["DocmanId"] = 111;
li["Title"] = "adfadfadfaf";
li["Email_x0020__x039a__x03b1__x03c4"] = "trehagireue@mailcom"; // Email
li["_x0391__x0394__x0391_"] = "ΑΗ-ΓΑ...";
li["_x0391__x03c1__x03b9__x03b8__x03"] = "dfgdfg-sdf";
li["_x03a8__x03b7__x03c6__x03b9__x03"] = new SP.SPFieldUrlValue(clientContext.Url + '/' + folderName + '/' + "file.pdf"){Description = "Test Desc"};
var insertedId = li.Id;
Any idea what I am missing?
Following Vadim Gremyachev's advice I got this:
var lv0 = item["_x03a8__x03b7__x03c6__x03b9__x03"] as Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue[];
[0]: {Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue}
base {Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientValueObject}: {Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue}
LookupId: 532
LookupValue: "σσσ"
TypeId: "{f1d34cc0-9b50-4a78-be78-d5facfcccfb7}"
Now, I guess I will have to find how to get these data.
I know where the LookupValue
comes from, but I am not sure about the rest yet...
LookupId seems to be the file ID. I wonder how do I get this from the client. I saw no such property being returned back.
Finally, I have managed to get the uploaded file ID like that: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22254339/2173353. But when I send any of those in the field, I get either an error or nothing as linked files:
using SP = Microsoft.SharePoint;
string.Format("{0};#{1}", fileID, file.Name);
string.Format("{0};#{1:B}", fileID, listId); //listId is GUID
new Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue[] { new Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue { LookupId = fileID } };
new SP.SPFieldLookupValueCollection { new SP.SPFieldLookupValue(fileID, file.Name) };
I have also tried with no array, just simple FieldLookupValue. That didn't work either. :(