I've installed the Organization Browser and within Mysites both the Silverlight view and HTML view work. Outside of Mysites I can only get the Silverlight view to work, the HTML view displays nothing. Has anyone gotten this to work properly?
1 Answer
HTML View function:
<script type="text/javascript">
SP.UI.Portal.SimpleProfileBrowser.prototype.$2S_0 = function ($p0, $p1, $p2) {
var i = $p0.indexOf("|");
$p0 = $p0.substr(i+1,$p0.length-i-1);
var $v_0 = $get($p1);
if ($v_0) {
$v_0.innerHTML = '<DIV></DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV></DIV>';
this.$h_0 = $v_0.firstChild;
this.$16_0 = this.$h_0.nextSibling;
this.$1e_0 = this.$16_0.nextSibling;
if ($p2) {
this.$h_0.innerHTML = String.format(SpsClient.ScriptResources.silverlight_Install_Message, '<a href=\'javascript:Silverlight.getSilverlight(\"2.0\");\'>Silverlight</a>');
Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this.$h_0, 'ms-profileBrowserHeaderText');
Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(this.$h_0.firstChild.nextSibling, 'ms-profileBrowserSilverlightLink');
Steps to add Organization Browser in a SharePoint 2013
- Edit the page
- Click on Insert web part at the top navigation bar
- Go to “Social Collaboration” category and select “Organization Browser” and click on Add button
- Edit the Organization Browser web part and Expand Default Values and check “Only show HTML View” option and click Ok button
Steps to fix HTML View of Organization Browser
- Edit the page (if the page is not in edit mode).
- Click on Insert web part at the top navigation bar
- Go to “Media and Content” category and select “Content Editor” Web Part and click on Add button.
- Edit the content.
- In the Ribbon, click on Edit Source under the Markup tab.
- Copy-paste the code above.
- Hide the Chrome and the content of the web part so that it would not appear on the page.
Solution to render HTML view: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/23593.sharepoint-2013-organization-browser-web-part-does-not-render-in-html-view-for-windows-claims-users.aspx
Solution to render HTML view: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/23593.sharepoint-2013-organization-browser-web-part-does-not-render-in-html-view-for-windows-claims-users.aspx