I have a sharepoint list that we update daily and it is connected to an excel file that we update manualy. So what I would like is when a new item is added to the list it automatically updates the excel file.
1 Answer
Depending on your requirements there may be no way. You can use Refresh on open or periodic refresh:
Have a look also at these threads: Excel web part from list - Autorefresh http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/sharepoint/en-US/258013dc-2687-486c-8d87-3834e25bf0f4/how-to-autorefresh-pivot-table-in-excel-web-access-webpart-in-sharepoint?forum=sharepointgeneralprevious
Check also the supported connections and scenarios: http://office.microsoft.com/en-001/sharepoint-help/work-with-external-data-in-excel-services-sharepoint-server-HA102830785.aspx