I am trying to deploy two files to a custom list. I created two features for this: one that holds the list definitions along with the module and one that contains the list instances. Both are in the same package.

However, I always get the above error when deploying the files with the attribute "Type" set to "GhostableInLibrary". I already tried numerous things like moving the URL to the module/each file element to no avail. In the URL, the List is "ActivityReports" and "Templates" is a subfolder in the list.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
  <Module RootWebOnly="FALSE" Name="Templates" Url="Lists/ActivityReports/Templates" Path="Templates">
    <File Url="Template1.xlsx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="FALSE" />
    <File Url="Template2.xlsx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="FALSE" />

Anybody see anything wrong my Elements.xml file?

2 Answers 2


Remove "Lists/" from your module's Url parameter.

<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
  <Module RootWebOnly="FALSE" Name="Templates" Url="ActivityReports/Templates" Path="Templates">
    <File Url="Template1.xlsx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="FALSE" />
    <File Url="Template2.xlsx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="FALSE" />

Just re-read your question. You write this Module is in the feature holding the List Definition - That's just the definition. It's the List Instance feature you want to include this module in.
You cannot add stuff to lists/libraries that does not exist yet.

  • I still get the same error :( Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 8:36
  • @LeonidasFett Chech my update.
    – user2536
    Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 8:42
  • even after moving the module to the list instance feature, I get the same error Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 8:49
  • @LeonidasFett Does your Templates module come after List Instance in the feature?
    – user2536
    Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 8:52
  • the module is at the very bottom of the feature while the ActivityReports instance is one position above it. Commented Apr 21, 2015 at 8:54

Try changing Type="GhostableInLibrary" to Type="Ghostable" in the elements.xml file. This fixed the issue for me.

MSDN discussion related to this problem

Blog post confirming the fix

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