Is it possible to prevent for a certain user group to restore a document from the version history?
2 Answers
There are two permissions regarding Versions
- View Versions
- Delete Versions
If the user has only View Versions, then they cannot restore a previous version. However, if they have Delete Versions permission, then they can restore also. SO you may create a new Permission level and make sure that Delete Versions is unchecked. Then assign this permission level to the group.
1This permission (Delete Versions is unchecked) does not work to prevent to restore the previous version if the user has add/edit item permission on the list/library. Is there any solution to prevent the restore previous version with add/edit items permission on list/library? Thanks Commented Feb 13, 2020 at 12:07
For restoring a previous versions, the user/group require one of the following permission
- Full Control
- Contribute
So to prevent you can remove those permission for the users.