I have a news picture Library (fields : Title, Description, Text, date, Author ), and I want to display in the first page, 5 news : the image, date and the title of the news and when I click on the title, I'm redirected to another page where I find more détails the Description of the news with the date. I did it with listview in c#, but I saw some blogs talking about REST and angular js this link, but there's no title link and redirection. Could you please help me with some tricks?

1 Answer 1


Again, I found an interesting code but I don't know how to display the details in custom page not Display form. link of the code In the first page, I will choose my columns with no prob, for title it's a link ( in the code I found its :

<td><a href="{{displayFormUrl}}?ID={{item.ID}}">{{item.Title}}</a></td>

But I want it like that:

<td><a href="www.bbbbb.apsx?ID={{item.ID}}">{{item.Title}}</a></td>

The problem is if I create new page (www.bbbbb.apsx) and angular code for the details how can I get id from URL and put it?

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