In general, "My site" is a very poor term. Here are the terms that I typically use:
"My Site Host" site collection. This is typically a single site collection that can allow all users to see "About Me" and allow functions such as "People Search". This site collection can exist without a single "Personal site" and without "One Drive For business libraries". All users have "Read" permissions on this site collection and can edit own profiles.
A personal site is a site collection that contains the One Drive for Business Library. This Personal site "Site Collection", unfortunately, gets created when you press on "OneDrive" Link. But it is effectively not only "OneDrive". One Drive For business is the Library that gets created within this "Personal Site". This is why most are confused. This link is also poorly named because what gets created is a "One Drive For business" Library and not "One Drive" Library.
Many of the social features depends on the fact that you have a "Personal Site".
A Personal site collection will also contain a blog sub-site. That blog sub-site is not part of One Drive for Business, but is part of your Personal site collection.