I have created a subsite in the main site and this site is to allow employees to gather and fill out forms and data pertaning to projects and the like. I have tried using different sites to check if the layout would be what I need, but I believe I may have to create my own template.
The form indicates the project description and other items, then there is another part (seperate list) that ask for the project ID, Action to be taken, completion date so on and so forth.
We want the users to receive an email indicating if a task has been asigned or needs to be completed, but also we want these projects to roll up. I tried using a rollup from 'webpart', but I received an error message. First, I am just wanting to know is it possible to create a list within another list and keep these two seperate lists, but yet not, together? Please let me know if you have any further questions. I am using SharePoint 2010.
Thank You