I'm fairly new to Sharepoint and I'm trying to set up a small farm search topology such as the following: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg750251(v=office.14).aspx . I don't believe I set it up right, however. I have two servers - we'll call them SPCrawl and SPSearch. According to the guide linked above, the SPCrawl server should host Central Admin and perform the crawling. I believe I messed up because I created the web application on SPCrawl, but then created the Enterprise Search Center and linked it to the web application on SPCrawl.
Basically, my question is this: should I have created the web application on SPSearch instead? I'm just wondering because unless I'm misinterpreting something, it doesn't seem like SPSearch is actually doing anything. I just want confirmation before changing anything. Thank you!