I have a calculated field to work out the length of an event in days, as follows:

=DATEDIF([Start Time],[End Time],"d")

I live in the UK and we're currently on BST; so if I create an event in GMT after the clocks change it calculates the day as one less than it actually is.

More intresting if I set the time as UTC: Universal coordinated time it is wrong for the whole year not just when the clocks are changed, IF I select UTC+1 or UTC-1 or other time zones howerver it calcualted correctly. It seems strange that if this is a bug it has not been picked up yet. Can anyone replicate?

2 Answers 2


There is a ROUNDDOWN function. You might want to take a look at this list of calculated references available, just used it a few minutes ago to change up some display logic using IF and ISERROR.

  • I did try this and could not get what I wanted. I think the problem is the dateif allready rounds down to the highest whole day value. I have now edit my question however as allwasy calculated wrong under UTC. I am starting to think this is bug in SP. Commented May 25, 2011 at 14:07

I have not worked out why UTC time does not work but as a work around am using

ROUNDUP([End Time]-[Start Time],0)

And it seems to be working. I need to test it works across all time zones first and not just UTC.

I am going to contact MS as i think the UTC thing must be a bug. Would like to know if someone can re-produce. I am using Search sever express version of SP.

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