!! this is NOT about localisation of the App Web
Its about getting an incorrect response from the HostWeb when using get_title() !!
Can someone please explain me where I go wrong with the testcode (all the way the bottom)
I develop https://www.365csi.nl/vm365com Apps [using Microsoft Napa! so I can not do anything with .Net code] which Create Calculated Columns in the Host-Web; so in the Formulas I need to use Localized DisplayNames on non-english sites.
MSDN documentation for Field.get_title() says: Gets or sets value that specifies the display name of the field.
But On the same non-english Subsite get_title() returns different results when run directly in the site compared to when run from an App.
Steps to reproduce:
Run code in a teamsite
- Create a non-english Locale subsite I used German in my example, its not my own language but can read it
- Run the script below in Chrome Snippets
This produces the results I expect, get_title() gets me the localized DisplayName
Run code from an App-web
- [install an (english¿) App with read rights in]
- Now open the App in that same subsite (now Host-web)
- Run the script below in Chrome Snippets the script is now accessing the subsite through the App-web
Now get_title() returns me the DisplayName as if the site was an English Locale;
!! extracting the DisplayName from the SchemaXml clearly shows the correct DisplayName !!
It looks to me like get_title() returns the Locale DisplayName of the App Web instead of the Host-Web.. (I have not tested what happens with an App which is not in english.. couldn't find one; and with Napa I can only create english Apps)
Test code
Code to be run as Chrome Snippets (or any way you want it)
try-catch is used to try App code first; if it fails it defaults to the current ClientContext
var listName='Tasks';
var reportDIV=document.getElementById('DeltaPlaceHolderMain');
var listTitle='<h1>'+listName+'</h1>';
var context,web;
context = new SP.ClientContext(decodeURIComponent(JSRequest.QueryString["SPAppWebUrl"]));
var appContextSite = new SP.AppContextSite(context, decodeURIComponent(JSRequest.QueryString["SPHostUrl"]));
web = appContextSite.get_web();
} catch(e){
context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
listTitle+='<h2>context.get_url() = '+context.get_url()+'</h2>';
var fields=web.get_lists().getByTitle( listName ).get_fields();
var fieldEnumerator = fields.getEnumerator();
var rows=0,table='<tr><td><b>get_internalName()</b></td><td><b>get_title()</b></td><td><b>DisplayName from get_schemaXml()</b></td></tr>';
while (fieldEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var field=fieldEnumerator.get_current();
var DisplayName = field.get_schemaXml().split('DisplayName="')[1].split('"')[0];
var Title=field.get_title();
Title = DisplayName!=Title ? '<b style="color:red">'+Title+'</b>' : Title;
var cols = []; cols.push( field.get_internalName() , Title , DisplayName );
table+='<tr style="background-color:#E0E7F'+(rows++%2?1:10)+'"><td>'+cols.join('</td><td>')+'</td></tr>';
reportDIV.innerHTML=listTitle+'<table width=100%>'+table+'</table>';
function( sender,args){ alert(args.get_message())}
var resource = field.get_titleResource();c.load(resource);c.executeQueryAsync(function() { console.log(resource.getValueForUICulture('no').get_value())})