We have implemented post security trimming on a SharePoint 2013 search site and it works fine, except for the very odd display - if I do a Search without trimming on, it will show 10 results per page and page as normal using the numbered page links at the bottom of the page.
If I do a search with post security trimming on, it will show maybe 1 result on the first page, 1 results on the second page, 2 results on the 3rd page, etc, etc depending on what has been trimmed - almost like the results that are denied by the trimming are hidden but still count towards the 10 results per page. This seems a really odd way to do it and I'm very surprised this is out of the box functionality.
Does anyone know of a way to show all the trimmed results together so the results look "normal"? I did think of maybe removing items from the documentUrls IList used in the CheckAccess method but I'm not sure this is even possible or would produce the required results. Is there a parameter I need to see on the search results webpart or in the CheckAccess call?
Thanks for your help!