I have a dev env where there are 3 servers:
- AppServer
- Workflow Server.
i am in a process of installing Sp1 on the SharePoint 2013 Server Standard Edition Env.
When i first ran a Binary file in App Server it completed Succefully. But i encountered a roadblock in WFE, i got following message "An error Occured while Running detection". Then i went though my config and ran this wonderful tool my microsoft ROIScan to get details of my server. it ended up being MArch 2013 PU and October Cu were missing in my server.
Then i downloaded March PU and October CU, i started with March PU but same error message "An error Occured while Running detection", same with October CU.
At that point on i ran Get-Spproduct -local command, to refresh my registry.That didnt work either.
Now i dont have any other options to proceed with this install for upgrade.
What else can be done, can any one help.
I tried to run config wizard without disconnection config db it yells about not having proper patch level in the server.
Thank You